Coming Apart
This is a canvas that is meant to express the lack and loss of the artist's personal resolution. Inspired by internal and turbulent emotions, the painting is intended from the outset as a scatological rendering in a heavily worked chaotic form. The metaphorical focus is emblematic of the personal plight felt by people going through the extremes of personal conflicts, and served as the point of focus needed to express and release these emotions. This is terrorizing, demoralizing and overwhelming in its symbolic force and would undoubtedly be best described as a "personal history painting" of a very special kind, describing the account of a specific time period as an event, the symbolism kept within the mode of the description. A Portmanteau of signs and symbols are used to refer to emotions, moods, and state of mind, the tilted head, the crawling figure, and the grotesquely flexing, hands feet and bodies twisted, is rich with symbolic material which emerges, condenses, and re-emerges into explicit form. In terms of symbolic raw material, the overall painting is radically different from anything McWilliams had painted before. The reduced color range, milky whites, and brown and blue-grays give it a luminously transparent feeling, with color used to generate a powerful feeling of pictorial unity.
( image size 71.5" X 50” )
Oil on Canvas -